Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is an opinionated columnist who often voices her strong opinions on political issues, and social issues as well. She bases her arguments on the real facts, not just what the media says. Coulter makes her articles interesting, and she draws you in with her clever titles, that use word play and humor to get you interested in the article. She is always trying to prove to us that something is wrong or why her opinion is correct. Coulter talks in a way that comes across as sassy, but always backs up what she says with facts. Often though, her tone comes across in a disapproving way, and she talks like she always has to prove someone else is wrong or stupid. While she clearly does not care about other people’s opinions, I feel that she does not see other sides of the story, which can make her seem biased.

Do clever titles make the article more appealing and interesting to you? Do you think her opinionated and sassy writing style is a good way to get her point across, or does her tone make it insulting? Is she biased and why?


  1. Cj

    This would be a controversial read for me, I like how she backs up her opinions with fact but the part about proving someone stupid would get annoying. Clever titles would draw me into the read but I do think the tone may get top the point of insulting. She also seems to be biased as she doesn’t care about others opinions. while she may become insulting with her tone, it sure would get the point across.

  2. Courtney

    Clever titles to an article will most definitely attract my attention. It’s what usually catches my eye at first, and sometimes I’ll think, “I’ve just got to hear about this.” As for her writing style, I believe a columnist should incorporate their views into their writing. A sassy tone could be entertaining to a reader, but if they have different views it could be seen as almost insulting. Perhaps if she showed that it’s not wrong to have different views than hers, then maybe her sassy and opinionated writing style would be more enjoyable.
    Personally, I enjoy reading a biased column because if I don’t have the same views as the person it’s almost enlightening, to read about someone who is extremely passionate about different views. It’s also entertaining when they’re trying to back up their views when sometimes it just doesn’t add up. However when it gets to the point of the columnist comes off insulting to those who don’t believe the same way as them, I don’t like it. If Coulter could pitch her views in a sassy and opinionated tone, but making sure she’s clear that she doesn’t want to insult anyone who thinks different than her, then I think that it could work. Otherwise, I think it’ll just come off as insulting to people.

  3. Adrianna

    Yes, clever titles do attract my attention. I think that the more interesting and creative a title is, the more likely it is that the article will be just as interesting. However, I do not think that Coulter’s tone is a good way to get her point across, and to answer the third question as well, it shows that she is biased. If her entire article is based around the need to make herself superior or to make others feel stupid, then she is speaking out of emotion rather than strictly by facts. This makes her opinions weaker, and is therefore, not a good way to get her point across. This sassy tone also makes her unfriendly to the readers. If a writer was trying to make me feel stupid as I read their article, I would not want to side with them on any topic. This is most likely the case with several of Coulter’s readers. The tone she speaks in also proves her to be biased. She is so focused on looking smarter than everyone, that she is not willing to admit the areas where she is wrong, and is unwilling to accept any other opinion besides her own.

  4. Serena

    Your writer is much like mine, Debra Saunders. They write in a way that satisfies themselves and do not think twice about how others will feel about it. I do think that clever titles work to pull people into reading Coulter’s articles, including myself. Reading is not necessarily my favorite thing to do and I will definitely pick an article based off of if the title catches my eye. I do not think that her opinionated writing style is a good way to get her point across. I feel like if she is forcing her opinion that much it leaves the reader with no room to think. Her “sassy” attitude may come across as insulting, just like the way sassy people may come across as insulting. I think that this form of writing would make her biased because she feels so strongly about one side, she almost makes the reader feel stupid for agreeing with anything else. In theory, I think that it is okay for writers to write with a biased tone. In reality, a lot of writers have a hard time containing their emotions when they try to do so.

  5. Nicole H.

    I think clever titles make articles a lot more appealing and interesting because it is the first thing that people read when they see the article. If it doesn’t have a good title, no one will want to continue reading. I also think that her opinionated and sassy writing style could be a good way to get her point across. I enjoyed when my columnist, Peggy Noonan, had a sassy and sarcastic tone because it helped understand how she really felt. However, depending on the topic, people could get extremely insulted by that kind of writing style. Ann Coulter seems biased because she only writes what she believes is right without sharing the other side of the story.

  6. Coll Reilly

    I think a clever title is definitely a great way to capture readers attention. Throughout the creativity shown and hard work on a title, it could perfectly grasp not only what the article is about, but then again entice the reader to read it. A sassy tone in writing could come across as bad attitude, but also could be funny and witty. It all depends on what the readers humor is like. i personally enjoy when a writer is having fun while writing, and you can tell throughout their work. Although coming across as biased, she could mean good as well and it really is just writing with confidence throughout her columns.

  7. Audrey

    As hard as it is to admit, I do tend to judge a book by it’s cover- intriguing titles always draw me in. Sassy writing can be very entertaining but also can seclude others’ sides of the story. I’m sure I would enjoy Ann Coutler’s columns but would most likely have to research the topic elsewhere to get all the facts on the story because she may be biased and strong-willed to her own opinion.

  8. Jonathan F.

    I feel that these titles are very appealing to readers. I would rather pick out a piece of writing with a clever, intriguing title rather than a piece with a boring, normal title. This is a good way to help attract readers to your writings, and I think it is very smart to do. Also, I think her style of writing is very interesting and entertaining. Coulter seems to be a fun person to read about. Lastly, I think she is biased at times. I think this way because of how she writes. Ann Coulter writes very emotionally, which may make the writing become personal and biased. Thanks for sharing about Ann Coulter.

  9. Kristi

    I do believe that clever titles draw in a reader, and make the article more intriguing. I believe that articles with clever titles are generally read more because boring titles make it seem the article will also be boring. I think her sassy and opinionated tone is not a good way to get her point across. If she was just opinionated, it would be a different story. However, her sassy tone does make her seem biased and makes the reader less likely to hear her out and agree with her.

  10. Amelia

    I think that using clever titles do make it more intriguing to the reader, if you read a headline that says something boring you would be more likely to pass over it and not pay attention. If you read a headline that says something exciting, it will catch your eyes and you will most likely read it. I also studied Ann Coulter and I thought that a lot of the time she came across very harsh and was very opinionated. Although it is good to be opinionated and strongly stated, it didn’t seem that she took into consideration that she may be offending some of her readers. I enjoyed reading her columns because she was very good at swaying my opinion even when I disagreed with her. After reading some of her columns it made me reconsider my thoughts about the topic.