Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly is more often than not extremely bigoted. He is a very one sided opinionated man, and stubborn as well considering he doesn’t ever want to even look at the other side of things. When an idea is put in his head, he preaches it as if there is nothing more important than conveying that message and persuading everyone that it is the only way of thinking. Although chauvinistic, It is a good thing he is so passionate because he is after all, a columnist, just trying to get a message across. In one article he wrote, he expressed how the president gets too much bad publicity for vacationing and golfing while we are in a financial crisis. This is one of the very few articles by Bill O’Reilly where he actually does President Obama justice. O’Reilly says that Obama should be able to kick back and relax for a few days with his family, considering that his entire life is scheduled out and based off of running an entire country and making some of the most important decisions possible. O’Reilly also says that instead of going to typical places like Martha’s Vineyard, the president should move around to places such as The Outer Banks, or the Boundary Lakes of Minnesota; any classic American ideal location that could use some advertisement.

Do you think Presidents should be able to have a break every now and then? And if so- should they do it in places who could use the help, or in their own  ideal locations? Should a President’s vacation be publicized, or private to him and his family?


  1. kktaylor1

    Yes, I think that presidents deserve to take a break every once in awhile but not when we need them the most. Average people can’t just pack up, leave, and go on vacation when they are having a huge problem going on- like a financial crisis. I think that the president should pick his own location but maybe one that isn’t so common like Martha’s Vineyard. Picking a place that is so common is going to attract a lot of people and why would anyone want others following them when they are on vacation? I do think, however, no matter what is going on in the world, or in our own country, I think the president should be able to relax with his family without the paparazzi taking pictures of him everywhere he goes. He does do a lot for the country and is an important man but everyone deserves the chance to have a peaceful, relaxing, private vacation.

  2. Alex

    I also studied Bill O’Reilly and I agree that he is extremely biased. Once he has his opinion and puts it out there, he is not going to stop until the reader agrees with him. I like this style of writing for a persuasive columnist, and I feel that it is very effective. I agree with O’Reilly that the president should be able to take a break and go on a vacation. He runs an extremely stressful life and he deserves a break every once in a while. However, I do not see the need for him to publicize where he goes. The man is going on vacation to try and relax and get away from all of the publicity. He should be able to vacation wherever he wants, and there is no need for him to make it public. That is his business, not the rest of the worlds.

  3. Courtney

    Being the president is a very high maintenance job, so I believe that any vacations that he takes, should be kept private. He too has a family, and while being the President does bring a lot of publicity to the family, they should have the right to at least be able to vacation in peace. Even though he’s a high authority figure, he too, is only human, and needs a break from the constant stress of running a country. I also believe that the location of his vacations should be entirely up to him and his family. He shouldn’t have to be entitled to worry about simple things such as the location of his vacation when he’s just trying to relax.

  4. Chris

    I believe that presidents should undoubtedly have a break every once in a while, they’re humans too. But, the timing needs to be right. Vacationing at an absurd time would be fatal to his image as a leader. Obviously the president isn’t abandoning his duties while on vacation so I don’t feel as though it should be a huge deal. When it comes to location, I feel as though they should be able to go where they want and it should not be publicized, I know I wouldn’t want everyone to know where I was on vacation if I were president.

  5. Liam

    Presidents should definitely have a break every now and then. Just like anyone else, people need a little time to relax as well. The president works hard to try to make our country a better place to be. With all the stress associated with being president, a vacation that is peaceful and not interrupted is the way it should be. Nobody wants cameras in their face while trying to enjoy the little time off they get. Mutual respect can benefit everyone positively.

  6. Adrianna

    I agree and think that the president should be allowed to go on vacations and have off time. I think it should be private because no one wants to be constantly worried that they are being watched. He deserves privacy with no distractions. Also, I agree that it would be a good idea to go to places that are forgotten about, or unknown entirely. It would be good publicity for him and could shine light on a place that is amazing, but not well known. Therefore, he deserves a private vacation because I can only imagine how stressful it is to run an entire country. He should definitely be allowed to have a break. However, if he began vacationing too often and neglecting his duties, then I don’t think that is acceptable.

  7. Amelia

    I think that the president should be able to have time off to relax and spend time with his family. Every other person gets time off and so should he. If he takes too much time off I could see where that becomes a problem but that is not a concern. If he does not get breaks he could start making decisions that are not right for the country because he is stressed. His vacation should definitely be private because if people know where he is, it would not be much of a vacation at all. He would have people in his face and watching him at all times. He needs a break just like everyone else.