Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin loves to discuss government and real world problems. She makes it very clear that she is no Democrat, and clearly no big fan of Obama and his administration. She is in opposition of the government sticking its nose into the business of the people, making her an obvious supporter of a laissez-faire government. Malkin gets her point across in each article by using an aggressive tone and is consistently biased. In one of her articles, “Michelle Obama’s Control Freak Lunch Program”, you can tell just by reading the title that Malkin is gearing up to bash the subject and Michelle Obama. During the column, she states that her program is both ineffective and wasteful, both for the food and the economy. She states that schools are dropping Obama’s program because it is just wasting too much. In 2013, 90 percent of school districts said that meal prices were up and “The Los Angles Times” reported that each day its school districts waste approximately $100,000, and that’s just one city.

Although Michelle Obama’s intentions of trying to have kids eat healthier is good, do you agree with what she is doing? Or should government stay out of problems like this? Is this program a failure and a big fat waste?


  1. Zach P

    I do not agree with what Michelle Obama is doing. She does have good intentions, but with her proposed program, there is only a little to gain and a lot to lose. School systems are already being pushed to make their breakfast and lunch options healthier. I think it is great that the government is doing this. I just don’t think it is right for schools to be forced into this program, especially if it causes meal prices to increase and creates more food waste. The government is doing their job by promoting healthy school food. It should be the choice of schools to decide whether to go through with changes or not. Unfortunately, I believe the program is a failure.

  2. MGans

    I do not agree with Michelle Obama and what she is “trying” to do. It is clearly not working if schools keep say they are wasting foods. I think that parents should educate there kids on eating healthy food not the first lady. If the schools lunches were not healthy enough the parents should pack their own lunch. Also I think they are wasting food because if it is the right amount of food but healthy not all the kids like healthy food so they might not eat period and that’s not good for the kids. Also the children need to learn how to grow up and make decisions for themselves. The government should drop the program because it is a big fat waste