David Brooks

David Brooks is A conservative writer criticized for his liberal thinking. He often writes about society’s cultural problems and the impact politics will have on them. He is not a very biased writer as most of his articles content comes from another person research and he is just citing. One of his most recent articles talks about the increase in minimum wage that many people have been debating for some time. In the article he mentions studies from several different people and groups to discuss how the increase in minimum wage would affect others. Studies have shown that although an increase in minimum wage will help some people, it will also cause businesses to hire less people and make unemployment worse. Another study in 2010 shows that only 11.3 percent of people who would benefit from an increase to $9.50 minimum wage would come from impoverished households. One study showed that an increase to $15 an hour would help 900,000 people in poverty but cost 500,000 jobs. So what do you think? Should we raise the minimum wage, do you think it will help the poor? Or do you think we should decrease the minimum wage is to create more job opportunities?


  1. Chad

    I think that this is a very tough situation. The reason for this is both outcomes will help some people and also hurt some people. I belive the best answer to that question Is to look at the bigger picture, and try to help the most amount of people as possible, if you say that it will help 900,000 people but 500,000 people
    Would lose their job then your only helping about 400,000 people instead of keeping those 500,000 peoples jobs. Overall i think we should raise minumum wage but not too much.

  2. Rose

    In my opinion I feel like we should increase minimum wage for many reasons. One of the reasons being that some family aren’t able to afford colleges for there children and even with scholarships there still isn’t enough money for them so some are forced to miss out on college and take jobs like minimum wage ones. This causing many households to live in poverty and many people not being able to live up to there expectations. So if minimum wage increases it will benefit the families who live in poverty to at least a lower middle class. Even though its said that increasing it would make unemployment worse I feel like it still should be increased.

  3. gmreichert

    I think the minimum wage in this country should be increased. It should be increased because most working families in America are just scrapping by as it is today. If we raise the minimum wage it will give families around the U.S. a stronger grip on there finances. What I believe we should do is strengthen the working families lives as much as possible, before trying to save all the unemployed families. (why try to help everyone all at once, when you can help the strongest get stronger and then contribute to helping the weakest with you). No matter how strong one man is a group of men is much stronger.

  4. Ilona

    I think there is no true win. While it is great to have a good job market, what good is it if half those jobs pay dirt? I think it is more important to raise the minimum wage to a reasonable amount. Currently, the minimum wage is a bare minimum. It is important for the minimum wage to be a living wage. An amount of money that somebody can actually survive on, a salary that allows someone to have money for food, housing, and other bills. It is more important for someone to be more than scraping by in life financially than it is for there to be more available jobs.

  5. Joseph

    I don’t think that the minimum wage should increase. By increasing the minimum wage, it pushes the middle class closer to the poverty line by increasing the cost of living while killing jobs. Therefore we should not increase the minimum wage. Instead, we should focus on creating more jobs that provide a living wage with health benefits. By creating more jobs, it would also reduce the amount of people on welfare, which in turn will eventually lower taxes which would allow for small businesses to hire even more people. That being said, I think minimum wage should not be decreased either. By decreasing minimum wage, people aren’t going to get into the work force which would prevent themselves to eventually work their way up to a job that pays living wage. This also won’t reduce and may even increase the amount of people on welfare, which would not help the recovery of our economy. The goal should be to reduce the amount of welfare recipients and reduce the amount of people who have to provide for their families by earning minimum wage. The minimum wage should stay were it is now and any change to it should be determined within the state. The federal government should not make any national changes to the minimum wage. It is crucial not only to the health of the union that states keep this sovereignty but to it is even more so crucial to state economic health which would directly affect national economic health.

  6. Meghan

    This discussion is not only a problem in the U.S., but all around the world. Millions of people live in poverty and struggle to even just get through the day. In my opinion I think minimum wage should be increased, however, not drastically. Our minimum wage today is just barely enough to get by. It should be raised just enough so that people can live comfortably, not stressing over how they are going to obtain their next meal. I do not agree with the idea of lowering minimum wage just to increase job opportunities. What’s the point of more people obtaining jobs if the jobs they have can’t support themsleves or their family. Either way, there is no solution in ending poverty all throughout the U.S. but hopefully we can find ways to slow it down.

  7. Alexis

    Contrary to popular opinion, I am leaning towards minimum wage actually being lowered. More employment positions creates a better life for many. You must look at this from a poverty stricken human beings point of view. They would rather have a couple dollars to buy some food or household space rather than none. The only people benefitting from higher minimum wage is people who weren’t stricken from poverty. Is your extra buck worth more than a child not starving? That’s the question the government should be asking themselves when putting thought in to minimum wage. If one more person can receive a job and helped out of misery than it is so very worth it.

  8. AlinaDara

    I think that the minimum wage depends on the type of job and location of the job and should not be a general cost. For example, the minimum wage for someone who works at a grocery store should be less than someone who has to use physical labor everyday, such as a factory worker or a maid. There shouldn’t be a minimum wage for overall jobs because it isn’t fair for everyone who works. If I had to choose though, I believe that the minimum wage we have today is more than enough in general. Many jobs that pay the minimum wage don’t require as much effort as jobs that pay more. In fact, I think that we should lower the minimum wage because it will push people to work harder for their jobs instead of people doing their jobs just to make money. Many people who have jobs complain that they work hard everyday to make enough money for a living, however they always spend a great amount of what they earn for unnecessary items. For instance, if people see something new or interesting to them, they immediately want to buy it. Most of the time, they will use the money they saved up and get what they want. Therefore, if we lower the minimum wage, human instinct will start to change and people will be more hard working and think before they spend their money.

  9. Jill

    This is a very tough topic to approach. Either way, whether you increase minimum wage to help the poor or decrease the minimum wage to create more jobs, somebody looses, and that somebody is not just a single person, it is hundreds of thousands of people. There is poverty all throughout the world. With people from third world countries trying to make a better life for themselves, some come to the United States to start over. Another factor is that everyday kids are growing up and are wanting more and more independence. What is more independent than having your own job and making your own money? With all these people searching for jobs, their is just not enough for everyone. One more factor is that everyday, people get laid off from jobs because the business does not have enough money to pay and support them. Overall, I think that raising the minimum wage would help the most people in the long run because minimum wage now is too low for some families and these families are barely making it by wondering if and when they are going to have their next meal or if their electricity is going to get shut off.

  10. Abby L

    I believe that the minimum wage should stay the same. If many people would loose their jobs from the minimum wage going up then I do not believe it would be helpful at all. It would just make it harder for people that are struggling to find jobs in order to support their family. I know it could help some people but we need to look at the bigger picture and realize that we need to support everyone.

  11. Sophia

    I think that whoever is making this decision is stuck in an awkward position. It could go either way. If it were up to me, i’d decrease it so more people could have jobs and yes… people would have less money than theyd like, but some people are better off with this maybe $7.00 than the nothing theyre going to get if others are getting $15.00. I thjink some people come to America to look for a better life and everyone should have the oppurtunity to work and earn money as the next person. $15.00 an hour as minimum wage would be a really nice thing, but not if it puts hundreds of thousands of others out of work.